Read Needful Things(9) online free by Stephen King

Needful Things(9)
Author: Stephen King

"It must be difficult to run a sewing shop with that particular disability, Ms. Chalmers. How ever do you manage?"

It was a question very few people put to her, and, with the exception of Alan, she couldn't remember anyone's ever asking her in such a straightforward way

"I went right on sewing full-time as long as I could," she said

"Grinned and bore it, I suppose you'd say. Now I have half a dozen girls working for me part-time, and I stick mostly to designing

But I still have my good days." This was a lie, but she felt it did no harm, since she told it mostly for her own benefit

"Well, I'm delighted that you came over. I'll tell you the truthI've got a bad case of stage fright."

"Really? Why?" She was even less hasty about judging people than she was of judging places and events, and she was startled-even a little alarmed-at how rapidly and naturally she felt at home with this man she had met less than a minute ago

"I keep wondering what I'll do if no one comes in. No one at all, all day long."

"They'll come," she said. "They'll want a look at your stockno one seems to have any idea what a store called Needful Things sells-but even more important, they'll want a look at you. It's just that, in a little place like Castle Rock-",-no one wants to seem too eager," he finished for her. "I know-I've had experience...

Read more: Read Needful Things(9) online free by Stephen King


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