Read Shopaholic to the Stars (Shopaholic #7)(7) online free by Sophie Kinsella

Shopaholic to the Stars (Shopaholic #7)(7)
Author: Sophie Kinsella

“I saw you, OK?” I say. “I saw you taking those socks.”

The girl immediately stiffens and makes to run away, but I instinctively grab her arm.

“You shouldn’t steal stuff!” I say, struggling to keep hold of her. “You just shouldn’t! You probably think, So what? No one got hurt. But, you know, shop assistants get in trouble when people shoplift. Sometimes they have to pay for the goods from their wages. Is that fair?”

The girl is wriggling desperately to get away, but I’m gripping on to her arm with both hands. As the mother of a two-year-old, you learn a lot of immobilization skills.

“And then all the prices go up,” I add, panting. “And everyone suffers! I know you might think it’s your only option, but it’s not. You can turn your life around. There are places you can go for help. Do you have a pimp?” I add, trying to sound sympathetic. “Because I know they can be a real pain. But you could go to a safe house. I saw a documentary about it, and they’re brilliant.” I’m about to elaborate when the girl’s sunglasses slip to one side. And I glimpse the side of her face.

And suddenly I feel faint. I can’t breathe. That’s—

No. It can’t be.

It is. It is.

It’s Lois Kellerton.

All thoughts of crack addicts and safe houses disappear from my head. This is surreal. It can’t be happening. It has to be a dream....
Read online: Read Shopaholic to the Stars (Shopaholic #7)(7) online free by Sophie Kinsella

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