Read Yuletide Baby Surprise (The Alpha Brotherhood #4)(14) online free by Catherine Mann

Yuletide Baby Surprise (The Alpha Brotherhood #4)(14)
Author: Catherine Mann

“Thank you,” Mari said, then mouthed at Rowan, “Mama-flage.”

After they’d placed their order for swordfish with cachupa—a mixture of corn and beans—Mari leaned back in her chair, appearing far more relaxed than the woman who’d taken refuge in his suite the night before. She eased the sunglasses up to rest on top of her head.

“You look like you’ve had a couple of servings of grogue.” Grogue was a sugar cane liquor drunk with honey that flowed freely here.

“No alcohol for me tonight, thank you.” She lifted a hand. “My turn to watch the baby.”

“I don’t mind taking the night shift if you’re not comfortable.”

She raised a delicately arched dark eyebrow. “Somewhere in the world, a couple dozen new moms just swooned and they don’t know why.”

“I’m just trying to be helpful. You have the heavier presentation load.”

She stirred sugar into her coffee. “Are you trying to coerce me into kissing you again?”

“As I recall, I kissed you and you didn’t object.”

She set her spoon down with a decisive clink. “Well, you shouldn’t count on doing it again.”

“Request duly noted,” he replied, not daunted in the least. He saw the speeding of her pulse, the flush of awareness along her dusky skin.

He started to reach for her, just to brush his knuckles along that pulse under the pretense of brushing something aside—except a movement just out of the corner of his eye snagged his attention. Alert, he turned to...

Source: Read Yuletide Baby Surprise (The Alpha Brotherhood #4)(14) online free by Catherine Mann


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